Sunday, October 3, 2010

WebP on Google Code

Right now, I am looking at WebP, a new image format that is set as a competitor to JPEG format which is so widely on the web. We know JPEG is a lossy compression that tends to reproduce image as close as the original, and due to its ability to render closer to original images in less number of bytes, it is the widely used image (compression) format. According to Google, they tried to reproduce an image with WebP and found that the file size reduced by upto 40%, keeping the image quality same. Now, to replace JPEG by WebP is a Herculean task and several attempts failed, it is not very clear how far Google is ready to push it forward and how successful they will be (someone in the backyard is screaming, ask Paul...Paul, who? eh...the Octopus!...damn, I too made almost all predictions media coverage here :-( ).

Check the Google Code page on WebP and the CNET news I came across. Will keep posting if I found anything more. Don't forget to check the gallery of comparisons.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Keyboard shortcuts poster

Just found that the team at Microsoft has published a printable list of keyboard shortcuts for Visual Studio 2010. I have downloaded my copy for C#, and it will be on my desk by the morning. Don't doubt, this is a must have no matter how much time you spend with Visual Studio IDE.

You can download them here. Choose the file and format for your favorite language.

If you are using Visual Studio 2008 and missed the poster, you can download the keyboard shortcuts poster for C# here and VB here. Don't miss it!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Null-coalescing operator in C#

This is the first time I seriously took an opportunity to look at null-coalescing operator in C#. Introduced in C# 2.0, this is one cool operator that I have hardly put into practice. Well, until now but not anymore. :)

Null-coalescing operator is used to define a default value for nullable types as well as reference types. Let's look at an example.
loginName = loginName ?? "guest";
What we are doing here is using the null-coalescing operator to check whether "loginName" is null. If it is null, the default value "guest" is assigned to it. This could have been done otherwise using a if-else block:
if(loginName == null)
   loginName = "guest";
, or even using a ternary operator:
loginName = (loginName == null) ? "guest" : loginName;
But isn't the null-coalescing operator more sweeter version! In case of strings, I would advise you to use IsNullOrEmpty or IsNullOrWhitespace methods of string class. One way to make sure you get a trimmed login name, you could use a combination as above:
loginName = (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(loginName) ? null : loginName.Trim()) ?? "guest";
One more example can be when you need to know if a connection is initialized yet or not. And if not, initialize with the default connection string.
conn = conn ?? new SqlConnection(defaultConnectionString);
Lets look at one more example. Consider a method that sets an Employee status to active. The method also makes sure that if it is passed a reference to an employee not initialized yet, it creates a new active employee and returns it.
public Employee SetEmployeeActive(Employee emp)
    //if employee object is not initialized yet, initialize it
    emp = emp ?? (new Employee());
    emp.IsActive = true;

    return emp;
Happy null-coalescing!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Consuming Web Services

This is a continuation from the post on Web Services. To read the first part, click here.

In the last post, I introduced Web Services to you. We created a service named ForexService that has one operation that accepts two input currencies as strings and returns the exchange rate as double.

To consume the web service, let’s create a separate application (note that it can be any type of application, windows or web). This application will act as a client. Here you need to add a web reference (right click on the project in solution explorer and say add web reference) in your client application for the service (in our case, I can use the HTTP URL http://localhost/Forex/ForexService.asmx because I created the web service on HTTP). You can experiment on different ways to add web reference.

When you add a web reference, a .discomap file is added to your solution. I named the reference to service as Forex and my file looks like:

What is important to notice in this file is the two DiscoveryClientResult details:
  • System.Web.Services.Discovery.ContractReference 
  • System.Web.Services.Discovery.DiscoveryDocumentReference
The ContractReference url is http://localhost/Forex/Service.asmx?wsdl. This is the URL of the contract that the host puts forward for every client that wants to consume the service provided by the host. Now what is a contract? We mentioned about some restrictions when I was explaining our Forex requirement scenario earlier, remember? A contract is a document that is published to the client whenever the client requests for a service. The contract document lists all details about the service e.g. name and location of the service, list of operations available in the service, the in and out message requirements for communication, port types and so on. Every client must send a request exactly as described in the contract document, otherwise the service will not be rendered. In our example, the Forex webservice extends only one operation, namely GetConversionRate. If you try the URL in a browser, you will be shown details as below. Btw, to explain it further, WSDL stands for Web Service Description Language. That explains it all!

In fact, when we created the service and run it, it displayed us the list of available operations, remember? In the same screen, there is a link on top as Service Description.  If you had tried the link, you must have visited the WSDL file already for our service.

The DiscoveryDocumentReference url is http://localhost/Forex/Service.asmx?disco. It contains details on where the service can be found. Try the URL in browser.

Now that the web reference is added, my client application can consume the web service. Here is a code snippet from the client application:
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page 
   protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Forex.ForexService forex = new Forex.ForexService();
     Response.WriteLine("1 US Dollar = " + forex.GetConversionRate("USD", "INR").ToString() + " Indian Rupees");
     Response.WriteLine("1 Euro = " + forex.GetConversionRate("EUR", "INR").ToString() + " Indian Rupees");
The code is easy enough to understand, but to put it in short: we have created an object of the class (the service class) and called the GetConversionRate method. The result will be two lines on the page, something like:

1 US Dollar = 49.2 Indian Rupees
1 Euro = 67.3 Indian Rupees

Let us summarize what we know about web services so far. A web service is a code segment placed on a host (server) that can be invoked by a client using an HTTP URL. The host publishes a contract that defines what operations are available to be invoked by client, what inputs are required and in what format the result can be expected. A client can consume a web service by using the reference to the service and invoking its method.

In our example, we used two strings as input and a double as output. In the next post, I will talk about serialization and using more complex types as parameters.

Introducing Web Services

I talked about WCF in brief in one of my earlier postings, but that brought forward a need for a posting on the basics of web services. So, today I am going to talk about web services at a simpler level using a scenario about foreign exchange rates. I am not talking about forex process and it’s just for example’s sake…so don’t post back saying forex rates are not decided that way! ;-)

The central bank in the country decides the forex rate for every particular day. So let’s say, today the US Dollar to Indian Rupee is 46.01 and Euro to Indian Rupee is 56.99. These rates change every day. There are numerous other websites where these rates are displayed and they need to be updated on a daily basis. It is natural that the owners of these websites will request the Central Bank to provide them some automatic mechanism so that the websites can automatically get themselves updated by the changed rates every day.  If I were the system admin at the Central Bank, what would be my options? Give them a read-only access to a file or a table? Or send them this info every day? Or put the rates on some server, some xml file for them to read?

No convincing solution? What about giving them access to some code that is on my server, but the code will return the rates to them by accessing my database? I have to make sure that they access the code in the most secure way possible. Why not give them an HTTP URL that will access our code and return them some data? Even better, why not put some restriction in code so that the incoming data and outgoing data follow the standards posed by the restrictions? And of course, the best way to receive and send data will be XML!

SOAP stands for Service Oriented Access Protocol.  As it is a protocol, it is a standard in which messages are sent across in XML format. Each SOAP message contains a SOAP envelope that has a SOAP header (optional) and SOAP body. I won’t deviate from topic explaining more about SOAP here, but if you want to get a glance of what SOAP is, you can visit this simple tutorial on W3Schools or SOAP on W3C if you are serious about it. It suffices now to understand that SOAP uses XML as a mode of communication; it is an obvious choice for our scenario. What we now need is some sort of application or code running on our server that can interact using SOAP as the protocol. That is what web services are for. So, web services are applications (chunks of code) that reside on the server (the host) and can be invoked by a client by sending a request.

Web services can be written in any language which is obvious because XML is the mode of communication. The client need not know which language the service is written in as long as the request is accepted in XML and the response is sent in XML. You can create an ASP.NET web service in Visual Studio.

Note that I have not used the file system to create the web service; instead used HTTP since I will be using an HTTP based URL to access the service. The picture below should give you enough insight on the web service created. Note the method GetConversionRate that accepts two strings as currencies and returns the rate as double.

Btw, if the images are not clear, you can always click on them and it will open in its original size.

If you run the solution, you should see the page as below. The page just explains that you have accessed the ForexService web service that has only one operation exposed i.e. GetConversionRate.

Click on the method name GetConversionRate and the screen that follows is worth diving into detail. It gives us a test screen where I can type in the required values and invoke the service. Good enough. Let’s look what is below the test module. You notice the SOAP message formats for both 1.1 and 1.2 versions.

When the client sends a request for service to server, the following message is being sent. The data types in blue and bold will be replaced by the appropriate values. You notice that it has got a soap body in a soap envelope, as I mentioned above. The rest should be pretty understandable.
POST /Forex/ForexService.asmx HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
<soap12:envelope xmlns:soap12="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <getconversionrate xmlns="">
Similarly, when the server has received the request and processed it, the result is sent in the following message format. This again has an envelope and a body.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12="">
  <getconversionrateresponse xmlns="">
So you see, the message formats used when a client sends a service request to a web service and the server responds to the request is based on the SOAP protocol. Since the communication does not have any language specific restrictions, the client and the server (host) in a Service Oriented Architecture can be in different languages. Wonderful! Cross-language, cross-platform freedom!

Now is the time to see how a client can consume this web service. Check this post.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Microsoft is going the jQuery way

With jQuery gaining popularity day by day and Microsoft extending support towards it through its Visual Studio IDE, it looks like the future in ASP.NET is going to rely heavily on jQuery. Before I move forward with the integration part which is the actual topic of this blog, let me give you an idea on what jQuery is. If you don't know about jQuery yet or have not followed it recently, you must now. Use of jQuery is getting serious not only with .NET environment but any other environment. To me, it looks like jQuery is going to mean much more in the near future; this I can guess from the increasing number of code examples on the web using jQuery just the way you might have noticed the increasing usage of LINQ.

jQuery is a light weight JavaScript library that is about to change the way you write JavaScript. I have seen people getting addicted to jQuery once they come across it, and why not? are its virtues! The latest version of jQuery library is just 24 KB and using just this library in your application, you can do miracles. If you visit the jQuery site, the tag-line says "write less, do more".  And that's true. To use jQuery, all you have to do is visit the jQuery site I gave earlier and download the latest version of the library. If you want it only for use on your website, you can pick the production (minified) version, or if you want to explore it further, you may go for the development version. Once the .js file is downloaded, copy the file to your project folder and start using it by including the file in your source just the way you would include any .js file.

Here is a snapshot where I have used jQuery to display an alert on click of an anchor text. Thios i to give you an idea on how you can use jQuery in Visual Studio. I believe you can carry it forward from here.

How about writing some JavaScript that will fade or slide a <div> when user clicks on it? Just a style change of "display:none" is going to disappear the div...but we want to make it a smooth slide out. You are already thinking of a plethora of code with usage of opacity and setTimeouts, right? But then you also have to put some additional checks to make sure the code is compatible with different browsers!...I know I am scaring you, but now that you have the jQuery library with you, look at what you need to write to get all the above done:
$("div").click(function ()
      $(this).hide("slide", { direction: "down" }, 1000);
Not only this, what about implementing the complete AJAX based callback in just this much of code:
          type: "POST",
          url: "pagemethod.aspx/sayHello",
          contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
          data: "{}",
          dataType: "json",
          success: AjaxSucceeded,
          error: AjaxFailed

function AjaxSucceeded(result)

function AjaxFailed(result) 
    alert(result.status + ' ' + result.statusText);
That's impressive, isn't it? I am not going to focus on jQuery tutorial here. There are plenty of tutorials available on the web you can access. Best place to start with is the jQuery site's tutorial itself. When I post more articles on jQuery adventure in .NET, I will put some code examples. You can already find some jQuery snippets for Visual Studio in Codeplex that you might want to experiment with once you have done with your basics on jQuery.

What is important to observe how Microsoft is incorporating jQuery into .NET developers' world by extending support to jQuery and even making code contributions to it. In 2008, Scott Gutherie already committed a lot for jQuery from Microsoft in his blog. He mentioned that Microsoft will be shipping jQuery with next version so Visual Studio. In fact, when you create a new web site in Visual Studio 2010, you will find the jQuery files in a scripts folder added by default. I still have to experiment more with it in the 2010 version; will let you know.

Besides, jQuery team has developed a version of jQuery library that is documented as per Microsoft XML comment standards because of which jQuery objects and their properties and methods are now also available in Visual Studio intellisense. You can visit the downloads page on jQuery site and download the Visual Studio version. When you include this documented .js file in your code, the intellisense will guide you through jQuery syntax as you can see below in one of my experiment's screenshot:

This should be possible with Visual Studio 2008 since this IDE has good support for JavaScript. However if you don't have the Service Pack 1 of the IDE, you may face some issues. In that case, get the Service Pack and then refer this knowledge base.

It is pretty sure now that the forthcoming ASP.NET AJAX will be built on jQuery or at least will be largely based on it, make it more important for .NET developers to make jQuery a part of their lives.

A little while ago, Microsoft added jQuery templates and data linking which you can read about here. I will get back to this in some other post with a bit of study. But continuing the effort towards jQuery. Microsoft came up with jQuery Globalization plugin just yesterday. The System.Globalization namespace and CultureInfo class in .NET framework gives you enough liberty to globalize or localize your code. You know how easy it is to convert some date or numeric value into a specific format. For example, I can easily convert my date to English or Dutch format in my server side code as:
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
public class FormatDate
   public static void Main()
      DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;        // Sets the CurrentCulture property to U.S. English.
      Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
      Console.WriteLine(dt.ToString("d")); // Creates a CultureInfo for German in Germany.
      CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("de-DE");
This is just a simple example. In fact, the power of globalization in .NET extends to every datatype and conversion, making it so handy to format our data. Unfortunately, it isn't that easy in JavaScript or the client side code to do the same. This Globalization jQuery plugin is here to solve the same problem, at least making it very very simple. By using language tags, it is not only possible to imitate the CultureInfo scenario but extend the same power into your JavaScript Code. You can read about the plugin here. I will post more as I discover more, but the moral of the story remains: jQuery is here to stay and get more and more involved. If you want to stay afloat, gulp it!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Patterns & Practices

In last two posts, I have been talking about the layered architecture in ASP.NET applications. If you missed them, you might want to read the first part and the second part, just to get a better insight on the topic I am discussing today.

Dividing an application into multiple layers helps to:
  • Keep different concerns of components separate so that there is clear distinction between different parts e.g. keeping presentation and business logic separate rather than making a mess by mixing them up
  • Easy maintenance of the application
  • Enhanced clarity of the application making it easy to understand
  • Keep individual components cohesive and often efficient
  • Loose coupling between layers
  • Increase reusability, of course
Layered approach towards developing applications is not a new concept. Even with the age-old client-server architecture, we followed the two layer approach. Layered approach is often very synonymously used with tiered approach. Microsoft has a different take on this, and what they say is a layered approach is related to maintaining layers in application during the architecture stage while a tiered implementation is the layered approach of implementing the solution. I agree, but will not be discussing it much. We are talking about architecture here than implementation. But if you are interested, you can read Microsoft’s take on deployment patterns.

In the layered approach, what we have noticed so far is that an application is best divided into the presentation layer, the business logic layer and the data access layer. Each layer can further be divided making it an n-tier application, but mostly the basic architecture revolves around the above mentioned three layers. With large applications, you may also choose to create a separate class library for each of these layers. However, with service oriented architecture, things have changed a bit. The service oriented architecture has become very popular today since for applications that need to interact with external system, services are the best solution. If you are not familiar with service oriented architecture, you can refer this article on Windows Communication Foundation to get an insight. Using services, applications can expose themselves to third party applications or the external world the way they want to. This helps in sharing of data, enabling remote access in secure way and makes the application very extensible.

If services are to be used, additional responsibilities can be added by using an extra layer called “service interface” to the required layers. The architecture will somewhat look like below, but again variations are the way.

The diagram is self-explanatory, and I will keep the detailed discussion on this for later. Today, I only want to bring to your attention that there is no standard way about how to design an application, Depending on the requirement of the application, the development environment, the target environment and many other factors, you have multiple choices with architecture. Different solutions are best solutions for different situations. However, over a period of time as the software industry has evolved, there have been some standard solutions that are known to be best suited for certain scenarios. Such solutions or ideas that have evolved with time and provide you simple solutions to complex situations are known as “design patterns”. Microsoft themselves have a series of articles written on suggested patterns and practices they want to share with us when it comes to developing applications in Microsoft technologies. They focus much on the three tiered approach and service interface if required, something that I have briefly talked about above.

In articles to follow, I will talk about more on this topic, mainly on things like Model-View-Controller architecture that Microsoft is so crazy about. This is not a new concept; in fact if you read Erich Gamma and the team’s book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, the first chapter talks about MVC and SmallTalk. But MVC has stood the test of time that made Microsoft go gaga over it today. MVC is based on the Observer Pattern, one of the most popular design patterns, that also forms the base of Java. There are concepts like Page Controller and Broker, and then there are concepts like Service Interface and Service Pattern. I will be adding more discussions on architecture in this blog. Stay around!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Introducing Business Objects

This is the second part of discussion on layered architecture in ASP.NET applications. I will extend the same examples, so you should read the first part here, or at least glance through the examples.

Let us extend the data access layer class to include a method to update the database.


using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
public class ProductDataAccessLayer
    string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthwindConnectionString"].ToString();

    public DataSet GetProducts()
        SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
        DataSet dsProducts = new DataSet();
        SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT ProductID,ProductName,UnitPrice FROM Products", conn);
        return dsProducts;

    public int UpdateProduct(int productId, string productName, string quantityPerUnit, double unitPrice, int unitsInStock, int unitsOnOrder, int reorderLevel)
        SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
        string sql = "UPDATE Products SET ProductName = @productName, QuantityPerUnit = @quantityPerUnit, UnitPrice = @unitPrice, UnitsInStock = @unitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder = @unitsOnOrder, ReorderLevel = @reorderLevel WHERE ProductId = @productId;";
        SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@productName", productName);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@quantityPerUnit", quantityPerUnit);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@unitPrice", unitPrice);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@unitsInStock", unitsInStock);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@unitsOnOrder", unitsOnOrder);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@reorderLevel", reorderLevel);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@productId", productId);
        return command.ExecuteNonQuery();
Now in the business logic layer, we will add a wrapper to the update method. You might think that why we do not call the data access layer directly that calling in through the business logic layer. I agree, but when you have to add some business logic to the update method in future, then you will end up messing your code. Little extra effort makes your code more organized and keeps you away from problems in future.

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

public class ProductBusinessLogicLayer
    public DataSet GetProducts()
        DataSet dsUpdatedProducts = new DataSet();
        ProductDataAccessLayer productDAL = new ProductDataAccessLayer();
        dsUpdatedProducts = productDAL.GetProducts();
        foreach(DataRow row in dsUpdatedProducts.Tables[0].Rows)
            double unitPrice = Double.Parse(row["UnitPrice"].ToString());
            row["UnitPrice"] = unitPrice + unitPrice * (12.5/100);
        }        return dsUpdatedProducts;

    public int UpdateProduct(int productId, string productName, string quantityPerUnit, double unitPrice, int unitsInStock, int unitsOnOrder, int reorderLevel)
        ProductDataAccessLayer productDAL = new ProductDataAccessLayer();
        return productDAL.UpdateProduct(productId, productName, quantityPerUnit, unitPrice, unitsInStock, unitsOnOrder, reorderLevel);
Now, what I have done in the presentation layer is that a few textboxes and an update button is added just above the grid. To make it easy for you, I have assigned some default values to the textboxes as well. When the update button is clicked, the values from all required textboxes is passed to the business logic layer update method and that in turns fires the update method in the data access layer where the actual update takes place.

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <style type="text/css">
            width: 125px;
            width: 144px;
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
                    <asp:TextBox ID="ProductId" runat="server">10</asp:TextBox>
                    <asp:TextBox ID="ProductName" runat="server">Ikura</asp:TextBox>
                    <asp:TextBox ID="QuantityPerUnit" runat="server">12 - 200 ml jars</asp:TextBox>
                <td>Unit Price</td>
                    <asp:TextBox ID="UnitPrice" runat="server">31.20</asp:TextBox>
                <td>Units in stock</td>
                    <asp:TextBox ID="UnitsInStock" runat="server">31</asp:TextBox>
                <td>Units on order</td>
                    <asp:TextBox ID="UnitsOnOrder" runat="server">0</asp:TextBox>
                <td>Reorder level</td>
                    <asp:TextBox ID="ReorderLevel" runat="server">0</asp:TextBox>
                    <asp:Button ID="btnUpdate" runat="server" Text="Update" onclick="btnUpdate_Click" />
        <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server"></asp:GridView>
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
public partial class Products : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ProductBusinessLogicLayer productBAL = new ProductBusinessLogicLayer();
        GridView1.DataSource = productBAL.GetProducts();
    protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ProductBusinessLogicLayer productBAL = new ProductBusinessLogicLayer();
        int res = productBAL.UpdateProduct(Int32.Parse(ProductId.Text), ProductName.Text, QuantityPerUnit.Text, Double.Parse(UnitPrice.Text), Int32.Parse(UnitsInStock.Text), Int32.Parse(UnitsOnOrder.Text), Int32.Parse(ReorderLevel.Text));
Similarly, we can extend the class to include actions like inserting into or deleting from database.

Seems like we have a perfect architecture in hand, but I feel something is still wrong. You feel the same? Good! Let’s see where the problem is. We have an update method added that updates the fields in the Products table. I have intentionally left many columns of the table and not included them in the example to keep it simple. If the table is really huge with a number of columns, how lengthy our update methods’ parameter list is going to be. Also maintaining the fields by passing them as parameters is a complicated solution. We need a handy solution to maintain these fields.

To find a solution, let us think different. Here, a Product is an entity or say an object for us. All the fields we are talking about are its attributes. What if we create a class called Product that has the fields as its properties! We will be dealing with Product objects instead of a long list of parameters. Sounds better? Lets proceed with creating a Product class.

public class Product
    int productId = 0;
    string productName = string.Empty;
    string quantityPerUnit = string.Empty;
    double unitPrice = 0;
    int unitsInStock = 0;
    int unitsOnOrder = 0;
    int reorderLevel = 0;
    public int ProductId
        get { return productId; }
        set { productId = value; }
    public string ProductName
        get { return productName; }
        set { productName = value; }
    public string QuantityPerUnit
        get { return quantityPerUnit; }
        set { quantityPerUnit = value; }
    public double UnitPrice
       get { return unitPrice; }
       set { unitPrice = value; }
    public int UnitsInStock
       get { return unitsInStock; }
       set { unitsInStock = value; }
    public int UnitsOnOrder
       get { return unitsOnOrder; }
       set { unitsOnOrder = value; }
    public int ReorderLevel
       get { return reorderLevel; }
       set { reorderLevel = value; }
We will change our data access layer so that its update method accepts a Product object than a long list of parameters.

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
public class ProductDataAccessLayer
    string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthwindConnectionString"].ToString();
 public DataSet GetProducts()
       SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
       DataSet dsProducts = new DataSet();
       SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT ProductID,ProductName,UnitPrice FROM Products", conn);
       return dsProducts;
    public int UpdateProduct(Product product)
       SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
       string sql = "UPDATE Products SET ProductName = @productName, QuantityPerUnit = @quantityPerUnit, UnitPrice = @unitPrice, UnitsInStock = @unitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder = @unitsOnOrder, ReorderLevel = @reorderLevel WHERE ProductId = @productId;";
       SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);
       command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@productName", product.ProductName);
       command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@quantityPerUnit", product.QuantityPerUnit);
       command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@unitPrice", product.UnitPrice);
       command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@unitsInStock", product.UnitsInStock);
       command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@unitsOnOrder", product.UnitsOnOrder);
       command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@reorderLevel", product.ReorderLevel);
       command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@productId", product.ProductId);
       return command.ExecuteNonQuery();
Update the business logic layer also accordingly.

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
public class ProductBusinessLogicLayer
    public DataSet GetProducts()
        DataSet dsUpdatedProducts = new DataSet();
        ProductDataAccessLayer productDAL = new ProductDataAccessLayer();
        dsUpdatedProducts = productDAL.GetProducts();
       foreach(DataRow row in dsUpdatedProducts.Tables[0].Rows)
          double unitPrice = Double.Parse(row["UnitPrice"].ToString());
          row["UnitPrice"] = unitPrice + unitPrice * (12.5/100);
       return dsUpdatedProducts;
    public int UpdateProduct(Product product)
       ProductDataAccessLayer productDAL = new ProductDataAccessLayer();
       return productDAL.UpdateProduct(product);
And our presentation layer will be where we will create the Product object from the values filled in the form. While the aspx file remains the same, the code-behind will now be:

using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
public partial class Products : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ProductBusinessLogicLayer productBAL = new ProductBusinessLogicLayer();
        GridView1.DataSource = productBAL.GetProducts();
    protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Product product = new Product();
        product.ProductId = Int32.Parse(ProductId.Text);
        product.ProductName = ProductName.Text;
        product.QuantityPerUnit = QuantityPerUnit.Text;
        product.UnitPrice = Double.Parse(UnitPrice.Text);
        product.UnitsInStock = Int32.Parse(UnitsInStock.Text);
        product.UnitsOnOrder = Int32.Parse(UnitsOnOrder.Text);
        product.ReorderLevel = Int32.Parse(ReorderLevel.Text);
        ProductBusinessLogicLayer productBAL = new ProductBusinessLogicLayer();
        int res = productBAL.UpdateProduct(product);
All we did was to add a new Business Object layer (the Product class), and we introduced a better way to deal with the Product as an object. I know you are excited and you are eagerly waiting for me to say that we have just seen 4-tier architecture with Business Objects coming into picture. We will call it Business Object Layer or better, Business Entities Layer.

The sad news is that not everyone agrees that the above follows 4-tier architecture. Often, the Business Entity Layer is considered as a sub layer of the Business Logic Layer, and hence still considered as 3-tier architecture. It won’t be a surprise if you find many applications that implement the Business Object Layer and the Business Logic Layer in the same class, while there are a number of examples where even the Business Logic Layer is spread over multiple layers of its own. Even with Data Access Layer, it is often a preferred choice to create a separate layer of Helper classes. When it comes to designing a solution, there is never a universal thumb rule!

Now that we have a very clear idea about tiered architecture including 4-tier architecture (let’s say), our next discussion will focus on layered architecture in more depth as we look at different ways of designing applications on Microsoft.NET framework.

By the way, the examples I included in this post and the earlier one, and the ones I will include further, are all meant to be simple and hence can be written in better and organized way. I just focused on defining clear layers and explaining the objectives to you. Writing neat code, managing object references and error handling are a few things that are clearly omitted. I leave them to you when you develop the real applications.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Layered architecture for ASP.NET applications

This is the first post in a series of discussion on using layered architecture in ASP.NET applications. I will start with the basics and try to elaborate concepts gradually so as to help developers who have just begun to understand the concept of layers in an application.

For quite a while, a tiered approach towards developing an application has been in the buzz. We hear people talking 2-tier, 3-tier, n-tier applications! What is a “tier” here? It means a layer. When a civil engineer is designing a building, he works on a blueprint of the building. In the blueprint, there is a clearly defined sketch of each part, viz. the base, the pillars, the first floor, the subsequent floors, electrical plans may be!  How the base is to be built and pillars placed so that the floors will be strong is very important consideration. The same applies to developing software applications. We are talking specifically about web applications here to be developed in ASP.NET and we will choose C# as the language for our examples.

A web application should be developed in layers. Each layer should be defined precisely to meet a distinct purpose. The interactions between each layer should be well thought of. In short,
  • Each layer should be designed for a specific purpose and a distinct objective.
  • Each layer should have a unique responsibility and hence not mess up with any other layer’s duties.
  • The interaction between the layers should be well defined. This is very important, failing which layered architecture will not only be an overhead but become clumsy and a havoc to maintain.
2-tier architecture

Consider a very simple ASP.NET application where there are aspx pages directly interacting with the database. For example, the application has an aspx page with a grid whose datasource is set to a dataset and the code for connecting the dataset and populating it is written in the code behind file. The aspx file and its code-behind file contains the content to be displayed on the browser (the web controls), business logic and code for interaction with database.

Here is an example:

<html xmlns="">
    <head runat="server">
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
                <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server">
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Configuration;
public partial class Products : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthwindConnectionString"].ToString());
        DataSet dsProducts = new DataSet();
        SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT ProductID,ProductName,UnitPrice FROM Products", conn);
        GridView1.DataSource = dsProducts;
To explain the code in short, all we are doing is to execute a SELECT query against Products table in the Northwind database, and then bind a grid to the dataset. The page when loaded will display all products in the grid.

In this architecture, often to make code less cumbersome and keep things short and clean, you may also opt to write stored procedures that performs multiple tasks at the database end. Now, these stored procedures may also very often include some business logic code. For example, you may maintain transactions within a stored procedure and hence end up implementing a part of application’s business logic in the stored procedure or using constraints and triggers in the database. Here what we have is:

  • Application layer – the aspx page and its code- behind forms the application layer that delivers the presentation of data to the user and also contains the business logic.
  • Data access layer – the underlying database acts as the data access layer here. This means the entire database engine, including the database objects (e.g. tables, views) and the manipulating code (e.g. stored procedures).
It means you are using 2-tier architecture. Many of us think that because .aspx files have a separate code behind files, that counts as two different layers and hence ASP.NET applications are by default 3-tiered. Sorry, that’s not the way we can look at it. There is absolutely no difference in writing all the code behind part in the aspx files itself or separating it into a separate code behind file. Code-behind files only provide you a neater way to maintain your code and make sense out of it. Code-behind files do not contribute as a separate layer, unless you want to believe it that way.

3-tier architecture

In the above architecture, we found that although there was an attempt to make a distinction between the two layers, we could often end up having a part of our business logic implemented at the data access layer. To solve this problem, we can introduce a separate layer in between called “Business Logic Layer” where we will implement all business logic of the application and that will interact with the data access layer. This way, the data access layer keeps itself limited to handling database interaction and providing data to or updating data from the business logic layer.

We will see what I mean by a separate business logic layer. But before that, let us restructure the example code of 2-tier architecture from above. What we will do is put the database interaction code into a separate class. This class will be the actual “data access layer” for us and will be mainly and only used for database interaction purpose. The new class will be as:


Our code-behind file will now look like:


Looks better? Remember, we still have only two layers: the ProductDataAccessLayer is just a cleanly maintained data access layer. The aspx file with its code behind forms the presentation layer.

Now lets say the unit price that is displayed for each product is without the VAT at present. The actual unit price should be inclusive of 12.5% VAT for each item. It would be a bad idea to place the logic into the data access layer since this class is meant to perform actions like select, insert, update and delete etc. And even if we put it there hardcoded, what if the government decides to change VAT to 13% percent tomorrow? What is the best solution then? Remember, we know that touching the data access layer for business logic changes is a bad idea, and we also know that the aspx and code-behind is best for presentation purpose.

Let us add a new layer, the business logic layer. So, here is the example code updated

This is our old data access layer:


I will add a new class "ProductBusinessLogicLayer".


And our aspx code behind will change to:


Notice that the newly introduced class “ProductBusinessLogicLayer” acts as an interface between the presentation and data access layer and has the business logic code for VAT calculation implemented. Any changes in business logic tomorrow will affect only this class. Yu do not have to be concerned about the data layer or the presentation layer while making changes to the business logic.

What we get is a clear separation of business logic and data interaction. Your application just became easily maintainable and extendable!

What we have here is:
  • Application layer – the aspx page and its code- behind forms the application layer that delivers the presentation of data to the user.
  • Business logic layer – the business logic part is moved into an intermediate layer.
  • Data access layer – the data access layer with the underlying database engine forms the data access layer.
So you have 3-tier architecture.

I will talk about implementing 3-tier architecture in detail in the next post, and also look at various methods to implement a 3-tier or n-tier architecture, with examples. Sometime later, we will also talk about the MVC architecture.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Windows Communication Foundation

If you are familiar with web services, this should be easy. But let us start with the basics.

We know about object oriented programming concept. In object oriented programming concept, we create an instance of a component in form of an object and work with it. As we see, objects are tightly coupled to the component and hence controls the component's lifetime.

In contrary, service oriented applications are loosely coupled. In service oriented architecture, there exists a host (call it a server) that hosts a service and there exist clients to consume the service. The host publishes a contract, which is a template that defines methods and objects that can be called/used by clients. All communications between the host and clients take place in form of messages. SOAP is one of the protocols that defines the format of the message, and it uses XML.

Service oriented architecture is mostly implemented in distributed applications. In .NET, distributed architecture can be implemented using one of the four options: web services, .NET remoting, message queuing or COM+ services. Windows Communication Foundation is a framework that allows you to use all these features at one place and most importantly, it allows you to use these features interchangeably. For example, if you have implemented .NET remoting (that uses TCP as protocol since it is in LAN environment) and want to launch it as a web service (which is accessed using HTTP protocol), all you need to do is just alter the configuration. No rework required. That is why it is often referred to as Unified Programming Model.

When we talk of WCF, we should be familiar with basic terminologies like services, service hosts, communication protocols, messaging, end points etc. I will put a few of them in short here, and leave the rest to you and google.

A host that launches a service exposes one or more endpoints for the service. Think of an endpoint as a hook. To consume a service, a client should have hook to the endpoint of the service and then it can use the service. Similarly, to be able to receive a response from the server, the client should expose an endpoint that the host will hook to. In simple terms, two endpoints always exists when a client and a host are communicating. That makes a service as a collection of endpoints. A client has to connect to the correct endpoint to consume the service it wants to.

HTTP and TCP, as discussed above, are just two examples of communication protocols. And we already know what a contract and a message is. Remember, message is an XML string here. It should have already struck you that the objects and methods are serialized into XML and passed as a message, and de-serialization occurs to get them back in form. Sounds logical?

You will find more terms on WCF and short description here.

This tutorial will tell you how to go about creating a service using WCF. It is very simple to follow. At some points, it is bit confusing since the text formatting is not done properly...but you can easily figure it out.

I will talk about WCF more in posts to come.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

State management in ASP.NET

A web application runs over HTTP, a stateless communication mode. That means, each request for a page is a new request for the server, no matter if the same page is being requested again. When a page makes a round trip to the server (for example when you fill up a form and submit it), you can naturally expect the data you filled in to be lost when the page loads back...unless you somehow manage to save the data somewhere and fill them back in the controls when the page loads back. This is called "maintaining the state".

In traditional environments like classic ASP, it was a painful responsibility of the developer to maintain state using Request collection. ASP.NET realized the pain and has come up with multiple ways to maintain state for an ASP.NET page.

State management can be done either client side or server side. In this article and the following ones, we will look at possible state management techniques and also talk about when best to use what.

In case of ASP.NET, the features available for preserving data across page or application are as follows:
  • View state
  • Control state
  • Hidden fields
  • Cookies
  • Query strings
  • Session state
  • Application state
  • Profile properties
  • Database
We will also evaluate each of these features in terms of implementation overhead, resource requirements, client side support (for client side methods), performance and security.

Managing state client side

Client side state management mostly involves storing state either in the page's HTML, the client browser's session or some physical location on the client machine.

View state

View state is the default mechanism provided by ASP.NET to maintain the value of controls in a page across a round trip i.e. postback. When a page is being rendered on the server, the values in all controls that have view state enabled (by default all controls have view state enabled) are serialized into XML and then encoded using base64 encoding. This value is then stored in a hidden field named "__VIEWSTATE". You can view this field using the "view source" option in the browser. A typical example would be:

<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" value="dDwtNTI0ODU5MDE1Ozs+ZBCF2ryjMpeVgUrY2eTj79HNl4Q=" />

So, view state is typically an encoded string containing IDs and values of controls in a page so that when the page is posted back, the server automatically puts the values back into the controls before sending the page back to client (rather than developers required to do it themselves in traditional environment).

Besides storing control's values, the view state collection (which is nothing but a dictionary object) can be used to store other values as well, as shown below:

ViewState("MyPostBackCount") = 2;

A view state can store data of multiple data types, viz. strings, integers, boolean values, arrays, array lists and hash tables.

However, in case of large amount of data being loaded in controls e.g. in case of grids, view state can result into a huge string and can have negative impact on performance by slowing down page load on the browser. Huge view state also means huge amount of data flowing between the client and the server. ASP.NET provides an option to disable view state at the page level and also at control level. When it is a choice between comfort and performance, disabling view state can be an option; however the developer will then have to implement an alternative for maintaining the state. Also, in case of data bound grids, disabling view state can create problems in default paging and sorting behaviour.

Implementation - View state is maintained by default and hence needs no specific programming to be done.
Resource requirements - Since the view state is maintained in a hidden field, it does not consume server resources. There is an overhead involved in encryption and decryption but it is so insignificant that you don't need to bother about it.
Client side support - Hidden fields are allowed by most browsers and do not need specific permission from users. However, for devices that have constraints loading huge data (e.g. mobile devices) or if there are firewall restrictions on the limit of data allowed in hidden fields, large amount of data in view state can create problems.
Performance - As discussed, large amount of view state data can be a serious bottleneck. If view state can result into performance issues, it is wise to disable view state and implement an alternative.
Security - View state is an encrypted string. It provided optimum security, but still there is a risk of view state data being tampered because it is after all hidden in the form itself and can be viewed on browser end.

Control state

Like view state, control state is also an encrypted string generated at server and stored in a hidden field to persist data across postbacks. But control state only contains critical data about controls for the controls to function properly and unlike view state, control state cannot be disabled. If you were wondering, how could controls function properly if view state was disabled...control state is your answer, but this is very simply put. The truth gets worse if we dive deep...glad, we won't ;-).

Controls state is a separate object than view state and is initialized by the PageStatePersister class while view state is an instance of the StateBag class.

Implementation - Control state is custom state persistence mechanism and hence requires some programming to be done. We will look at control state with example in a later article.
Resource requirements - Like view state, the control state is also maintained in a hidden field and does not consume server resources.
Client side support - It's just a hidden field!
Performance - Unlike view state, data in custom state never gets large enough to pose a worry.
Security - No worries...custom state is an encrypted string and it does not store user provided data.

Hidden fields

A hidden field is a control that renders a hidden input control that can store some value and can be used for persisting data across postback. Unlike view state and control state that is handled by ASP.NET, hidden strings are to be added by the developer wherever required. Hidden fields are visible on client and not encrypted either. Hence they should never be used for storing sensitive data.

An .aspx page can contain,

<asp:HiddenField ID="MyPostBackCount" runat="server" />

and this can be accessed in codebehind as:

HiddenField1.Value = "2";

Implementation - Hidden fields are easy to implement as shown in example above.
Resource requirements - The hidden field control generates an equivalent input control that is hidden and not displayed on browser. No server resource required.
Client side support - This is also just a hidden field!
Performance - Issues related to amount of data stored in the hidden field can pose similar problems as with the view state. Hidden fields are never advised for large amount of data.
Security - As mentioned, hidden fields are visible on client using the "view source" option in browser and the stored values are not encrypted either. They can be easily tampered with and are strictly not suggested for storing sensitive data.


Cookies are well known in state management world. They are small bunch of data stored on client side either in browser memory or text files. Cookies are not ASP.NET specific but since they are also state management measures, let us evaluate cookies as an option. Cookies can be temporary or permanent (persistent). Also, cookies can have multiple values in a single cookie. We will discuss cookies in a separate discussion.

In ASP.NET, cookies are accessed through the Response object.

Response.Cookies["UserName"].Value = "guest";
Response.Cookies["UserName"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

Implementation - Cookies are simple collections and easy to use with less programming required.
Resource requirements - Cookies are client side storage option, hence they either consume space in the client browser's memory or physical disk. They do not pose any demand on server resources.
Client side support - Cookies can be disabled by client and hence has restricted applicability. Also, cookies have limited allowed size on client, often up to 4 KB.
Performance - Cookies have size limits and hence do not contribute to performance bottlenecks
Security - Cookies can be easily tampered with and is a known threat area. It is strongly advised to use encryption and decryption with cookies and not to store sensitive data either.

Query strings

Query string is another option and a traditional one for persisting data. It is data appended to an URL in a pre-defined form that can be read as parameters. ASP.NET exposes the parameter collection through Request object.

Implementation - Query strings are well known and simple to implement.
Resource requirements - Since parameters are appended to URL, it has nothing to do with serer or client resources. However, the larger the data, the more the packets transferred.
Client side support - Query strings are well supported but fall within the size limit of about 2083 characters for URLs.
Performance - Query strings do not contribute to performance bottlenecks for obvious reasons.
Security - Query strings are the easiest to play around with and tamper. It is visible with the URL and should only be used for limited non-sensitive data.

Maintaining state server side

Maintaining state server side often means storing data in server memory or some data store.

Session state

Session state is a server side data storage mechanism that stores data in key-value pair format in server memory and is maintained by server. This state is maintained as long as the browser session is active, i.e. data persists in memory across multiple page requests as long as the session is active. Each user connected to the server has its own session id and its own session state. Session state should be used only for data that need to persist across multiple page requests or throughout the session.

Session["UserName"] = "guest";

Implementation - Session state is easy to use as shown in example above.
Resource requirements - Session state resides in memory on server. If large amount of data or objects are stored in session state, it will end up consuming a lot of memory on server and badly degrade server performance.
Performance - Large amount of data in server state can be a performance issue since the server will have to resort to virtual memory paging in absence of the memory consumed by server state.
Security - Session state is maintained in memory on server. Security is not an issue.

Application state

Application state is a global storage mechanism that stores data in key-value pair format and is maintained by server, like session state. However, this state is maintained at application level, i.e. data persists across multiple page requests and even multiple sessions. It should be obvious that application state is a very precious store and has the longest life span among the methods we know. Use it wisely!

Application["ClickCounter"] = clickCounter + 1;

Implementation - Application state is easy to use as shown in example above.
Resource requirements - Like session state, application state consumes server memory. Worse, it persists across multiple sessions as well. If large amount of data is stored in application state, it will end up consuming a lot of memory on server and hence degrade server performance.
Performance - Large amount of data in application state can choke up server memory and degrade server performance.
Security - Application state is maintained in memory on server. Security is not an issue.

Profile properties

Profile properties use external storage medium (data store) to persist data rather than in memory. This feature uses ASP.NET profile to maintain user specific data that requires to be stored and used across multiple sessions of an individual user. We will talk about profile properties in a separate article in detail.

Implementation - Profile properties are easy to use, given that the developer can configure the profile provider.
Resource requirements - Since data is stored in data store rather than memory, it does not consume any resource in server memory at least. And since the storage is done in an external medium, there is no limit on data storage.
Performance - Since data is stored in data store than memory, storage and retrieval of data is relatively slower than other server side methods. But this should not be a concern.
Security - Well, it is not as secure as other server side methods, but it does not pose huge threat either.


Often, database is also used along with cookies or session states to store data in order to persist it. In simple terms, if you think that you need to store some data in your database related to user's authentication or preferences or whatever, you can store it in database as well.

Implementation - Maintaining state in database is as simple as performing normal database operations. Of course, it is not automatic and requires programming.
Resource requirements - Database gives you an unlimited storage and there is no server memory in concern here.
Performance - Obvious as it is, database operations would consume some time and hence this method is not as quick as the rest. I would say, performance here is specific to implementation.
Security - Security relies on what measures are taken to secure database. Adequate authentication and authorization can introduce required security factor.

We are now familiar with the possible methods of maintaining state in ASP.NET. In the next article, we will talk about which method is best in what circumstances.

Monday, April 5, 2010

ASP.NET Page Life Cycle

By understanding the details of how an ASP.NET page runs on the server before the rendered HTML is sent to the browser, one can realize how many significant stages a page goes through and how much control it releases to the developer. While the page runs through its life cycle, while the methods of the page’s base class can be overridden, a number of events are also raised that can be handled and exploited.

I wanted to write in detail about the life cycle, but time know. But, everything about the life cycle can be found here, put in simple terms and details.

Recently a diagram was also added in this article, that makes it really clear. Here is a direct link to the image if needed. This sketch seems to be influenced by a diagram by some "Andrianarivony Leon" that has been on the web for a while. But the diagram in the link above is a better version, I wont post the original here. Have a look...the diagram is a must have for a .NET developer for his/her dashboard.

Update on June 12, 2010:
I found a video on the ASP.NET site that might be helpful to understand the life cycle. You can access the video here.